Nation Builders Progress Update April 09, 2020
Details in Brief
Author: Ross Cheeseright
Date: 2020-04-10 | 0004-IV-17
Tags: Nation Builders, Update, Virtual Reality
Nation Builders had our weekly update where we discussed our progress and what our next steps are.
You can read the full and updated task-list here.
A note from me

Hello my fellow Nation Builders,
We have made a lot of progress this week, completing some of the first major tasks that we set out to achieve and it’s really amazing to see everyone coming together, getting to know one another, working and turning ideas into reality.
We’re starting to hit our stride and learn how to work together, communicate with one another, run projects and share our efforts with the Asgardian community.
As we move into our second month, I hope that you can see the potential in Nation Builders and I hope that you will continue to be excited about making contributions to Humanity’s journey into space.
In this update, I’m going to be talking about the achievements that we made this week, and also all the things that we’ve added to our ‘todo list’.
Let’s get to work.
Space on Earth Photo Contest
Coming to a close this week is the first ever Nation Builder contest – the “Space on Earth Photo Contest.” where we are working to celebrate the International Day of Human Space Flight by trying to capture the imagination of people here on earth. Now that the entries are in, we’ll be announcing the winners on the 12th of April.
Testing AltspaceVR
One of our top actions this week was to test out Virtual Reality for the purpose of holding online meetings and recording content for our Nation Builders TV project. We held the meeting in AltspaceVR and it was a lot of fun. Through the process we learnt a lot of things including lessons on video capture, how to set up the meetings, some of the technical issues and compatibility issues – Though we had some issues with the video recording settings, you can see the results in this video capture from below which features our meeting.
Next Step: The next step into our VR journey, we want to start looking at other solutions – we’ll continue to use AltspaceVR while we learn to use it efficiently and get the most out of it – but we also want to explore our options. Next up, we’ll be using VRChat to see what we can do with it.
Nation Builder TV
We want to start developing some sort of Video Content for Nation Builders, Asgardians and fans of the space genre. We’ve been looking into AltspaceVR to serve as a platform to record ‘Virtual’ sessions, as well as other things such as live recordings and video addresses. This week, we tested the VR recording and learnt a lot of interesting lessons for us.
We’re still waiting on people from Nation Builders to submit their videos for our meet the crew video.
Next steps: To do some test recordings, or ‘pilot’ episodes! If you want to get involved in this as a Virtual Camera man, show-host or podcast panelist, let me know on Discord.
Online Discussion on the recent decrees
This week we held a really spirited and successful online discussion surrounding the latest decrees – 41, 42 and 43 which covered the Citizens Rights Act, Civil Servant Act and the National Budget – this went really well and we’re going to be creating an open letter for Parliament to give them the feedback from the session – doing our part.
Next Step: Write an Open Letter to Parliament to provide our feedback, create another online discussion.
Nation Builder Music
This week, we shared the first draft of the first track on our first album; Destination Space – This track was developed for Nation Builders to help us push the discussion of Music Culture in Asgardia – we want to think about the sorts of music and sounds that will be developed as we move forward and develop a unified culture and you can listen to it here.
Next Step: Continue to develop more tracks for the album, potentially reach out to other artists to help add more tracks and then share it on Spotify.
Online Discussion – Lunar & Celestial Body Mining
Recently, Trump came out saying that he wanted to create a space force and start to mine the moon and other celestial bodies – our own Head of Nation, Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli spoke out against America – who have decided to ignore past international treties on space. We want to get together and discuss the issue as there are a lot of divided opinions on this matter.
Next Step: Host an online debate about the mining of the moon and other celestial bodies – what’s OK, what isn’t?
The full list
To see the full list of our open objectives which is updated on a regular basis, please head over to the Google Doc.
If you would like to support the work we’re doing, please consider becoming one of our Patrons where you will gain access to exclusive content, polls, video updates and more.
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