Head of Nation Livestream – Post stream discussion
Details in Brief
Author: Ross Cheeseright
Date: 2020-03-24 | 0004-III-28
Tags: Asgardia, HON, Discussion
The Head of the Nation of Asgardia, Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli did his first official livestream and Nation Builders hosted a post-stream discussion to discuss the content of the stream.
Head of Nation Livestream
The Head of Nation’s Livestream was a rare treat for Asgardians all around the world – Ashurbeyli who has given hundreds of interviews and held hundreds of press conferences, but stated that this was his first livestream – He said that it was an ‘unusual format’ for himself and that he was used to looking in the eyes of the people he was speaking with but now the was just one eye “The eye of the camera.”

The stream was a flawless execution that featured live interpretations into 9 of the 12 Asgardian languages.
Dr. Ashurbeyli addressed questions from the community and laid out some highly interesting information about Asgardia’s future plans and we’ll be going over all that in detail in a future post.
It seemed that in a 60 minute period, the Head of Nation had focussed the community and encouraged Asgardians to take action to help secure Asgardia’s future. There were hundreds of people watching the livestream and the chat was filled with questions and messages of support for the 56 year old Head of Nation including Ana Diaz, Asgardia’s former Prime Minister and Lembit Opik, the Chairman of Asgardia’s Parliament.
Post-Stream Discussion By Nation Builders
Following the meeting, Nation Builders hosted a post-stream discussion that was attended by 19 Asgardians on the Zoom platform – including Chairman of Parliament, Lembit Opik and Asgardian members of Parliament Paul Lovette, Enrico Rizzato, Ariadne Gallardo and Navid Basseri.

The post-stream discussion lasted about 2 hours with ideas being put forward and discussing the Head of Nation’s answers to questions – and some of the shock revelations.
The general tone of the meeting was one of hope and excitement as we look forward – Some of the core topics for discussion from the stream were:
- The hint that the Head of Nation Made about an Asgardian Module, and the potential to have 2 Asgardian Astronauts in the next 6 years.
- The Role that Mayors will play in the near future.
- How a language in Asgardia could evolve.
- Asgardia’s work on its bilateral relationships.
- The Head of Nation’s Call to action to get Asgardians to come forward with their ideas and proposals.
- Potential investment opportunities that will be coming up in Asgardia
- The National Currency and the Bank of Asgardia.
It was a thrilling experience to be virtually sitting with the Head of Nation and hearing all the news and future of his vision and thinking about how we can be involved in it in our small way.
Nation Builders plans to continue to hold meetings like this to bring Asgardians together so that we can share in our common culture – to make sure that you don’t miss out, why not consider joining our community and getting more directly involved with the development of the Nation.
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