Join the Community
Nation Builders operates in the following online communities – so why not jump in and get to work on the task of building the future of humanity with us?
Destination Space
Nation Builders are trying to push the discussion of ‘Space Culture’. We’re interested in what sort of music people will listen to in the future and to push that discussion along, we’ve started to create our own Album. Click the links above to listen and download.
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Nation Builders Overview
To help create a Space Nation
Founding Date
March 01, 2020
Ross Cheeseright
Nation Builders was founded on March 01, 2020 with the goal of giving ‘the average person’ a way to follow their passions and contribute directly to the development of a space-based nation. Through the establishment of a community that will actively work towards tasks and goals set by the Nation Builders organisation – Such as Hackathons, charitable activities, educational programs and raising awareness – we aim to directly support humanities journey into space.
Our Vision
Nation Builders will be involved in a wide range of projects and community initiatives that we hope will give people a way that they can directly contribute to the birth of a new space-based nation.

Digital Community
One of the key focuses for Nation Builders is to provide an online home for people that want to get work done

Nation Builders will set regular missions – goals for its community to work on and complete.

Networking & Collaboration
Nation Builders will seek to reach out to people and organisations which we might be able to synergise with.

We’ll be looking to invest in research with any funds that we make through our operations and businesses

Launching Businesses
Nation Builders will seek financial self-sufficiency through the establishment of appropriate business models

Transparency & Oversight
We will be the change we want to see by being fully transparent and answerable to our community
Uncover the Whole Story
Nation Builders didn’t just spawn overnight – There is a lot more to the establishment of this community, including some rich heritage. Nation Builders is founded by Asgardians including a former member of the Space Nation, Mayors and Asgardian Residents.
Helping to Protect earth
One of the core goals of Asgardia is to help protect humanity from threats that originate from space, such as asteroids, solar flairs and space debris. Nation Builders strongly supports this goal, too and we’ll be looking to see what can be done to assist.
Join & Follow the COmmunity
Keep your finger on the pulse of the Nation Builders community and learn what we’re doing with regular reports, get information on events that we’re running and learn how you can contribute by subscribing to us.
Founding Day 2020 – Virtual Celebration
Founding Day Virtual Birthday Celebrations! Join us to party and help make HistoryThe join links for the VR party are now available. Click on one of the links below! JOIN THE PARTY IN VR WATCH THE LIVESTREAM DOWNLOAD ALTSPACEVRHow to join the partyFounding day...
An open letter to the Head of Nation on his birthday.
An open letter to the Head of Nation on his birthday. Author: Ross CheeserightDate: 01-SCO-0004 | 09-SEP-2020Tags: Asgardia, Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli Asgardia's founder and chief visionary, Dr Igor Ashurbeyli celebrates and birthday and we share our warm wishes. Dear...
Nation Builders Gets Sponsorship Agreement
Nation Builders Gets A Sponsor Author: Ross CheeserightDate: 2020-04-17 | 0004-IV-24Tags: Nation Builders, Rogue Energy, Sponsorship Deal Nation Builders recently signed a sponsorship deal with Rogue Energy - The tastiest energy drink on the market. Nation...
Open Letter to Asgardia’s Parliament regarding Decrees 41 & 42
An open letter to Parliament Questions to: Ross(at)NationBuilders[dot]SpaceLegislative ProgressWe at Nation Builders are very happy to see the progress that Asgardia is making towards legislating. With the introduction of the Citizens' Rights Act and the Civil...
Space On Earth Contest Winners
Space On Earth Contest Results Author: Ross CheeserightDate: 2020-04-10 | 0004-IV-19Tags: Contest, Celebration, Space To mark the International Day of Human Space flight, Nation Builders held a contest to capture the imagination of what possible future missions...
Nation Builders Progress Update April 09, 2020
Nation Builders Progress Update April 09, 2020 Author: Ross CheeserightDate: 2020-04-10 | 0004-IV-17Tags: Nation Builders, Update, Virtual Reality Nation Builders had our weekly update where we discussed our progress and what our next steps are. You can read the...